Violation Summary

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This is a list of the most common occurring WOA violations. Please review these summaries. The covenants are in place to preserve the integrity of the subdivision. If anyone observes a violation or has any questions we encourage contacting a board member. Note: If something currently is out of compliance, if it is modified or replaced, it will have to be brought into compliance.

  1. Architectural Committee (AC), 14.2. No dwelling, garage, building, fence, retaining wall, structure or other exterior improvements or excavation thereof shall be commenced, erected or maintained on an LOT, nor shall any addition to, change, or alteration therein, be made until the plans and specifications, lot plan, and landscape plan for same have been submitted to the AC and approval of said AC has been secured.
  2. Trash Container Violations, Section 12.9, Addendum #3. All trash containers must be stored in the garage or in the rear of the residence out of site or in an approved trash container nook. The top of the trash containers must be closed, and all trash must be bagged per City of Southaven, Sec. 7-7 a & b. The containers are to be placed on the curb only on the day of pickup. The board will allow containers to be placed out the evening before pickup day. Any other items, like mattresses, appliances, yard debris or any other loose items are to only be put on the curb side on pickup day. If for some reason these items are not picked up, then they are to be removed and stored out of site until they can be removed.
  3. Fence Violations, Section 12.6, Addendum #1, Addendum #6. All fences must be maintained and in good order. If there are broken, fallen or loose pickets or damaged gates, they are to be replaced or repaired. All newly installed fences and old fences torn down and replaced, must have Architectural Committee approval.
  4. Mailbox Violations, Section 12.8, Addendum #5. The location and design of all mailboxes is subject to Architectural Committee approval. All mailboxes must be maintained. This included damaged doors and mailbox numbers.
  5. Sign Violations, Section 12.11, Addendum #2. No signs shall be placed in the common areas unless approved by the board. This includes yard sale signs. Alarm system signs must be within three feet of the house and no larger than two feet square. Christmas and Holiday lawn and home displays are to be erected between Thanksgivings and removed by Jan 7 of the next year. All other holiday displays are limited to one week. Lawn treatment signs are to be removed after one day. Permanent flagpoles have to be approved by the Architectural Committee. Flags, banners, etc. honoring a school, sport team or organization are permitted only on game day. Seasonal flags must be in good repair and displayed for a reasonable amount of time. Political signs are to be limited to one sign per candidate per lot. Signs may not be posted until 45 days before any election and must be removed 5 days after any election.
  6. Parking Violations, Section 12.5, Addendum #4. No recreational vehicle, boat, camper or trailer of any kind may be parked on any lot unless it is stored in an enclosed structure or located in the rear of the yard behind a fence that prevents it from being visible from the street. Streets are not to be used for routine overnight parking of commercial or recreational vehicles. All vehicles must be operable and have current tags. All non-conforming vehicles must be stored in a completely enclosed garage. Vehicles can’t be parked in yards, only on concrete driveways or concrete slabs.
  7. General Appearance, Addendum #6. Covers structural, lawn and landscape and general defects and detractions in the appearance of the neighborhood. Some of the items listed: “C”, old lawn equipment and other disrepair items left in view for extended periods of time; this would include broken or not used basketball goals left on the ground. “E”, Window air-conditioning units are not allowed. “F” Basketball goals are not to be located within 10 feet of the street curb.
  8. Restriction of Use of Common Area, Section 13. The common areas are maintained by the association. There is to be no trespassing on this property with unauthorized motor vehicles, i.e.: four-wheeler, go-carts, etc. There are Southaven ordinances that prohibit four wheelers, go carts and unlicensed motorcycles also on the streets. The land around the lake and the undeveloped subdivision is posted private property and prohibits trespass of any type of unauthorized vehicle.
  9. Satellite Dish, Section 12.5. All dishes must be mounted so that they are screened from the street. No yard pole mounted dish or antenna may be taller than ten feet and must be located in the rear of the property and screened from the street. Architectural Committee approval is required for satellite dish installations.
  10. Swimming Pools have to be maintained, or it becomes a violation of Southaven ordinances.
  11. Restriction on Use, Section 12.12. No commercial vehicles shall be permitted in the subdivision except to make commercial deliveries.
  12. Enforcement Policy, Addenda 2005 and amended 2011, Section 6.1, F.1-2. The board has the authority to assess fines up to $100, depending upon the type, length, frequency and seriousness of the violation.